Benefits of Using MOTORCOACH MANAGER 2

Charter, bus line, and fleet transportation companies throughout North America choose MOTORCOACH MANAGER 2 because it helps them charter vehicles without entering a route. In addition to this benefit, our cloud-based integrated software application does the following:

  • Provides a systemized handling of all aspects of a charter order, including:
    • Initial Customer Call
    • Financial Reconciliation
    • Driver Payroll Calculation
    • IFTA Mileage Data Collection
    • Fuel Reporting
  • Saves time and money by reducing staff time used for trip management.
  • Simplifies all phases of trip booking and management.
  • Allows simple trip information to be entered quickly. The itinerary can be provided verbally or through an email or document supplied by your sales representative. In addition, dispatchers are created automatically from the collected data, while dates and times are automatically updated whenever changes are made.
  • Improves the accuracy of complex trip pricing by using a “Detailed Routes” feature. This links the legs of a route to a dispatch and embedded map, providing expected time and mileage information.
  • Easily manages line runs and recurring trip contracts using batch templates that quickly enter information regarding single and multiple recurring trips.
  • Simplifies the flow of trip information through the paperless storage of quotes, confirmations, contracts, invoices, itineraries, driver trip orders, and financial reports.
  • Allows users to design personalized workspaces with customizable data screens that meet the specific requirements of their tasks. This addresses how sales representatives and dispatchers need different views of the trips they manage.
  • Uses a fully hosted cloud server with secure data backup.
  • Has built-in encryption and security capabilities.
  • Provides training and help desk services when needed.